Tipton Hall Riding School
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Izzy’s latest competition results

Since most customers pay by Bank Transfer, it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of all payments especially as many do not pay on the day of the ride and do not reference the date that payment is for.

To make things easier for us we need to change the way customers pay and book. We hope it will make it easier for customers too. We have looked at booking software but that has booking fees for each transaction which we did not want to pass on to customers.

The other problem we have is customers cancelling at the very last minute rather than giving us 24 hours’ notice. We recently had 4 riders cancel within an hour before the after-school lessons starting, so we had already got ponies tacked up. It is not our fault the car won’t start, or the child has come home from school poorly. It has been our policy for many years that late cancellations are paid for, though we very rarely enforce it as we value good customer relationships. We do still, however, must feed the horses even if they have not been ridden.

From the beginning of January, for those paying by Bank Transfer, we will be taking monthly block booking payments in advance. Many customers already do this, and it works well, they know they have paid for the month and that the spaces are already booked for the month. If the rider cannot make the lesson, it can be carried forward to the following month as long as 24 hours’ notice is given. We DO NOT expect you to pay for lessons when you are on holiday or have other commitments.

For those not wishing to block book in advance we are still happy to take a weekly payment on the day, but it will have to be by cash, and you will not be able to book more than one ride/week in advance. Please make sure we have noted down in the diary that you paid cash.

We avoided raising our fees during the start of the cost-of-living crisis and while inflation was so high, however with all our costs going up especially the price of new horses, we need to pass some of the costs on to our customers and this will bring us in line with comparable centres. Please see the new price list.

How to make a block booking.

  • Please pay on the 1st of each month. If payment is not received by the 7th of the month, we will assume the space is no longer required and may offer to someone else.
  • Work out how many lessons there will be each month, making a note of each date. Please bear in mind some months have 5 weeks.
  • Do your Bank transfer. For example, Jonny Smith who rides for an hour each Saturday in January. Please reference “Jonny Smith Jan 6,13,20,27” with a payment £140.  Text Sue to confirm any dates you are missing. 07792 358742.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss this matter.

Now BHS Approved !

We are delighted to announce that we are now a BHS approved centre.


Lulu has a beautiful filly foal!


Pony Club Weekend

Monthly Pony Club Sessions


Christmas 2021 Holiday Riding

For all the riding courses happening over christmas plus the days we are closed, please look at "What's On?"


Autumn 21 Half Term Holiday Activities

For the October half term holiday riding activities, please have a look at "What's on"


Summer Holiday 2021 Riding Courses

Summer Holidays 2021. For information on the courses that we are running this summer, please have a look at the "Whats on" page.


Thank you for for supporting us!

Since we reopened after lockdown at the beginning of April, it has been amazing. All of our riders have returned and we have welcomed many new faces.


Hoping we can reopen after children go back to school!

On the news it sounds like the government is optimistic that schools will open on the 8th March, perhaps followed by outdoor activities.


New outdoor arena coming soon.

We are all getting very excited as we are building an outdoor arena that is 60 metres by 30 metres. It will be fabulous to have so much space and to have a full set of show jumps to use too.



We have had planning permission granted for three log cabins and an outdoor arena.


We are open!

The phased re-opening was very successful, with some very excited riders attending.


Phased re-opening on Saturday 6th June.


Re-Opening Soon!

Coronaviris Update. We are planning on re-opening in June.


Izzy’s latest competition results

Saturday show jumping and Sunday dressage, a busy weekend!


Good result for Issy and Buck at Area Pony Club Horse Trials

Issy and Buck competed in Area 9 Horse Trials at Dauntsey Park in Wiltshire.


Haymaking all done

The fine weather has allowed us to make some wonderful hay and haylage


Calmsden Horse trials

This was Issy and Buck Rogers doing the first event of the year at Calmsden Horse trials.


Summer 2017

At the start of the summer we had our first trip to Ireland to buy horses.


Ponies and Pizza Parties

Just done our first Ponies and Pizza


Easter Holiday

The Easter holiday has been great fun with some lovely dry weather.


Lambing is nearly over

Lambing is nearly over now as this morning I counted about 50 ewes left! It is lovely to see the lambs out in the field in the sun shine, proper spring time!


Upgrades to the Indoor Arena

The upgrade on our indoor arena is going well and nearly finished


All Hands to the deck as Hartpury Equine Students Host Charity Show

The first in a series of charity events run by Hartpury’s equine students kicked off with a combined training and jumping competition.


Tipton Hall Riding School
Tedstone Delamere

M: 07792 358741
M: 07792 358742

Licence Holder: Roger & Susanah Benbow
Licence Number: N-RID02

"Just a quick thank you to Roger for the horse ride yesterday. Both my son and I loved it, Josh was not very sure about the idea, but really enjoyed it!"

Many Thanks

"Tipton Hall Riding School – best place in the world, so many happy memories!:)"

Many Thanks

"I had the chance to ride with Mattie today… wow Tipton Hall Riding School you’ve done such a great job! He put me to shame!!!"


"Thank you Tipton Hall Riding school for a great long ride and taking us for a splash through the stream…  I have had so much fun cantering and galloping with an egg/bunny hunt at the end."


"One very happy little girl tonightJ Thank you Tipton Hall Riding School."


"Thank you Sue and Roger at Tipton Hall Riding School, Imogen and her friends had a fantastic time at her party today."
