Tipton Hall Riding School
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Calmsden Horse trials

This was Issy and Buck Rogers doing the first event of the year at Calmsden Horse trials.

Buck Was awesome around the cross country considering it was the first time he had done a 90cm ODE, so brave and bold.

He will be shortly For Sale to allow more time for Issy to spend on her youngsters from Ireland.

Tipton Hall Riding School
Tedstone Delamere

M: 07792 358741
M: 07792 358742

Licence Holder: Roger Benbow
Licence Number: N-RID02

"Just a quick thank you to Roger for the horse ride yesterday. Both my son and I loved it, Josh was not very sure about the idea, but really enjoyed it!"

Many Thanks

"Tipton Hall Riding School – best place in the world, so many happy memories!:)"

Many Thanks

"I had the chance to ride with Mattie today… wow Tipton Hall Riding School you’ve done such a great job! He put me to shame!!!"


"Thank you Tipton Hall Riding school for a great long ride and taking us for a splash through the stream…  I have had so much fun cantering and galloping with an egg/bunny hunt at the end."


"One very happy little girl tonightJ Thank you Tipton Hall Riding School."


"Thank you Sue and Roger at Tipton Hall Riding School, Imogen and her friends had a fantastic time at her party today."
