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All Hands to the deck as Hartpury Equine Students Host Charity Show

The first in a series of charity events run by Hartpury’s equine students kicked off with a combined training and jumping competition.

Dozens of equine students from the Level 3 Extended Diploma Horse Management (Business) course got stuck in to organise and run their own event this week.

The show, which took place in Hartpury’s International Arena, included classes in combined training and showjumping. There was also a sweets stall onsite and a raffle with a range of prizes from horsey treats to vouchers for Nando’s and a personal photo shoot with Up Close Photography. 

The students were tasked to organise an event as part of their module on managing equine events and covered all aspects of running the show, from course building to marketing.

Zoë Nicholls, who is studying Level 3 Extended Diploma Horse Management (Business), said: "Running the show has given us a great insight into everything that goes on backstage, we’ve really had to work as a team and have learned a lot which I’m sure will help in any future event planning.”

Competitors and spectators were treated to a thrilling finale as the final class was the ‘Six Bar Challenge’, a unique class where the fences increase in height each round. The class was fiercely contested but the eventual winner was equine diploma student Isabel Benbow riding her pony Bryn – the smallest horse in the competition! 

Tipton Hall Riding School
Tedstone Delamere

M: 07792 358741
M: 07792 358742

Licence Holder: Roger & Susanah Benbow
Licence Number: N-RID02

"Just a quick thank you to Roger for the horse ride yesterday. Both my son and I loved it, Josh was not very sure about the idea, but really enjoyed it!"

Many Thanks

"Tipton Hall Riding School – best place in the world, so many happy memories!:)"

Many Thanks

"I had the chance to ride with Mattie today… wow Tipton Hall Riding School you’ve done such a great job! He put me to shame!!!"


"Thank you Tipton Hall Riding school for a great long ride and taking us for a splash through the stream…  I have had so much fun cantering and galloping with an egg/bunny hunt at the end."


"One very happy little girl tonightJ Thank you Tipton Hall Riding School."


"Thank you Sue and Roger at Tipton Hall Riding School, Imogen and her friends had a fantastic time at her party today."
